Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Overwhelming Fear of Writing

Writing scares me.  It feels so permanent and it just plain scares the living heck out of me.  Years ago when I attended City College, my first year English teacher told me that I was a terrible writer.  From that point on I was afraid of writing.  I never felt that it was good enough.  Before that I had no problem expressing myself.  I knew I wasn't the best, but I felt decent.  Once the fear kicked in I started to fear all things associated with writing, especially grammar.  This year I am working hard to tackle my fear.  Even though my grammar is not great, I am putting myself out there and starting to write more.  I am going to stop being afraid of being judged and even better I am going to have more compassion for worst critic! I even started being a part of a writing club sharing my writing with complete strangers! Gasp! All of this writing is inspiring me to do more writing.  I have also decided to make the leap and go back to grad school to pursue my doctorate in Public Health.  I figured that this would be a good time to get my writing fears dealt with.  Just taking the time to write this is a big step in the right direction.  I hope that I continue on this journey of feeling uncomfortable and pushing my own boundaries.  Thank you for being a part of my writing journey!

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