Monday, June 4, 2012

Releasing 27 items a day for 27 days

Okay, so it has been a while since my last post!  I am happy to report that I have been continuing to work on being grateful for all my life has to offer even including the always not so great parts.  It is all a part of the journey.  The good and the bad.  I am coming to the basic realization that this is my life right now and it is the only one I have so I better appreciate it.  This who I am and if I don't learn how to truly accept myself then how can I ever expect to be happy.  It is always not nice to admit that I have a mean streak and even that needs to be embraced.  Everything about us is still us and the more we ignore the parts of us that we don't like the more they tend to rear their ugly head.

Since my last post my partner with the dog and I broke up.  I finally finished that thesis and my relationship with my 16 year old son continues to get better.  Part of accepting the life I have now includes accepting what my living situation is and making it a sanctuary.  On the first of June 2012 I decided to follow in the steps of a co-worker to release 27 items a day for 27 days with a one day break every 9th day.  So far so good.  Ask me again in 27 days!

The first day was a Friday and I spent a good chunk of time going through my closet and getting rid of items I no longer want or need.  27 items of clothing were not too hard to get rid of since I was still operating on a winter closet.  I found so many items that I had 27 extra for that Saturday and a few more items for Sunday.  On Sunday it started to get a little harder because I was not in the mood to do some serious organizing and purging.  I quickly went through the kitchen as I was cooking up dinner and found the rest of the items I needed for that day's 27.  Today is Monday and I decided to tackle my most difficult possession to part books.

It is always easy at first.  The first 10 items are no problem but it gets harder and harder. I know in my heart that I will probably never read any of these books again but they hold such good memories that they are hard to part with.  I look over to all of my journals which I have been meaning to shred for some time but I realize I am not ready for that just yet.  I finally gather 27 items when I decide to go through a pile of papers and I realize that recycling papers can also be a part of my collection.  That alone should help me keep up with the 27 items a day for the next six months.  I wonder what I else I will learn to release as I give up these physical items.  I have to admit it feels good to release the things that no longer define me.  I look forward to more clarity as this process continues...

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