Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 1

Yesterday my best friend and I had an epiphany. It wasn't exactly a new one but it was one that we decided we really needed to make a go of. We decided that we want to live more positive lives. I know it sounds hokey but honestly what are we accomplishing by being down on ourselves all of the time? So last night we started talking about what would make us feel happier in our lives right now. Not in one year, not when I lose 10 pounds or when I have more money...I mean right now. I think the answer is having compassion for ourselves. When would we ever treat anyone as harshly as we treat ourselves? So the plan is every night instead of thinking about what we didn't accomplish we should take five minutes before bed to think of all of the successes no matter how small. What a different way to think about it! It is so easy to focus on what is lacking than what is right in front of you. I fell asleep feeling like anything is possible.

Mantras for the day:

Progress not perfection.
What will we do today to shape our tomorrow?

It just takes one step at a time to live the lives we want to live!

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